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Monday, October 21st, 2024
Allianz Global Assistance
Travel Insurance 
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Administrated by:
Allianz Global Assistance (AGA)
Underwritten by: CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators group of companies.
24 hours Emergency Assistance Center: AGA Emergency Assistance.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.

- Maximum Benefits: $10,000,000 
- Emergency Hospital: private or semi-private hospital accommodation. 
- Physicians, surgeons*, anaesthesiologist* and specialists*.
- Private duty nursing 
- Diagnostic Treatments: Lab tests and X-ray examinations ordered by a physician. 
- One Follow Up Visit during your coverage period when declared medically necessary by a physician.
- Ambulance Transportation: Licensed local air, land, or sea ambulance (including mountain or sea evacuation) to the nearest hospital when reasonable and necessary. 
- Emergency Transportation: air ambulance, one-way airfare, seat upgrade, stretcher, and/or a medical attendant to the nearest appropriate medical facility or to a Canadian hospital. *
- Medical Appliance: Rental of crutches or hospital-type bed and the cost of splints, trusses, braces or other prosthetics appliances*
- Prescription drugs or medicines, 30-day supply. One replacement prescription for lost, stolen or damaged medication.
- Professional Medical Services (when medically necessary) – care received from a licensed physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist or podiatrist, up to $500 per profession.
- Return of Deceased (Repatriation): In the event of death from covered condition, the reasonable and customary costs to return the body home, or up to $5,000 for cremation or burial at the place of death. (The cost of a funeral service, burial coffin or urn is not covered.)
- Accidental Dental: Up to sum insured for emergency treatment or services to whole or sound natural teeth damaged by an accidental blow to the face.  
- Dental Emergencies: Up to $500 for the immediate relief of acute dental pain, other than provided under Accidental Dental. 
- Out-of-Pocket Expenses – up to $5,000 ($500 per day) for accommodation, meals, child care, phone calls, tv rental or internet fees, and local transportation incurred by you or any insured persons staying with you while you are hospitalized.
- Bedside Companion: round-trip economy transportation, to bring up to one family member or friend to you and up to $1,500 ($300 per day) for reasonable costs incurred after arrival (accommodation, meals, phone calls, local transportation expenses) if you are hospitalized OR to identify your remains.*
- Return of Travelling Companion: One-way economy class airfare and/or the cost of an attendant, to return the insured’s travelling companions home if the insured is returned to Canada under the Emergency Transportation benefit. *
- Return of Vehicle or Watercraft: Up to $5,000 to return a vehicle or watercraft if the insured is unable to return to Canada with the vehicle or watercraft due sickness or injury.
- Pet Return – up to $500 to return the insured’s accompanying pet(s) to the province or territory of residence, if the insured is returned to Canada under the Emergency Transportation benefit or hospitalized OR the cost to board your pet while you are hospitalized at destination
- Return to Trip Destination – one-way economy transportation to resume your trip, when you have recovered from the emergency (if you have been returned to Canada for treatment).
- Temporary Return Home – you can return to your province or territory of residence temporarily during your coverage period without your policy expiring. You must continue to meet the eligibility requirements when you exit your home province or territory. 

* Some of the benefits must be pre-approved and arranged by AGA. Please read the insurance policy (attached below) for full descriptions and condition of the insurance benefits.

OTHER PLANS (additional rates apply)
- Trip Cancellation & Interruption - before departure: up to $20,000 and after departure: unlimited
- Comprehensive (All-Inclusive) Package - Hospital and Medical up to $10,000,000; Trip Cancellation & Interruption; Travel Accident ($100,000); Trip Interruption – unlimited, Trip Delay ($350 per day up to $1,500) and Baggage up to $400.
- Non-Medical Package – includes Trip Cancellation & Interruption, Travel Delay ($350 per day up to $1,500), Baggage up to $400, Travel Accident ($100,000).
- Youth Plan (Age 0 to 30) – includes Emergency Medical ($1,000,000), Trip Cancellation & Interruption, Travel Delay ($350 per day up to $1,500), Baggage up to $400, Travel Accident ($100,000).
Please, contact us toll free 
1-877-838-0020 if you would like to apply for any of the optional plans.

To be eligible for coverage, all of the following conditions must be met:
1. As of the effective date of your policy you must:
                a) be at least 15 days old,
                b) be a Canadian resident and be insured for benefits under a Canadian government health insurance plan during the entire Coverage Period,
                c) not have been advised against travel by a physician for a period of time which includes your trip, and
                d) not be travelling or going on your trip to receive treatment or alternative therapy of any kind.
2. In the two (2) years prior to the effective date, you must not have been diagnosed with or received treatment for a terminal condition for which a physician gave you a prognosis of eventual death or for which palliative care was or is being received.
3. If you are age 65 or older on the effective date, to be eligible for coverage you must not require assistance with activities of daily living including but not limited to, eating, bathing, using the toilet, changing positions (including getting in and out of a bed or chair), or dressing, as the result of a medical condition or state of health.

- If you are age 64 or under, pre-existing medical conditions that are stable for 90 days before the effective date qualify for coverage, up to the Sum Insured shown on your Confirmation of Coverage.
- If you are age 65 or over, pre-existing medical conditions that are stable for 150 days before the effective date qualify for coverage, up to the Sum Insured shown on your Confirmation of Coverage.

IMPORTANT: Please note that all of the following conditions are excluded, regardless of stability:
- unrepaired aneurysm of 4 cm or greater in length or diameter;
- any heart condition if you used or were prescribed nitroglycerin in the 90 days before the effective date;
- any heart condition if you were diagnosed with, received treatment for, or had an episode of congestive heart failure in the two (2) years before the effective date;
- any kidney condition that required dialysis in the 90 days before the effective date;
- any lung condition if you used or were prescribed home oxygen or oral steroids in the 90 days before the effective date
- any cancer if you had cancer treatment in the 90 days before the effective date
- any bone marrow, stem cell or organ transplant received or recommended in the two (2) years before the effective date

To be considered stable during your stability period, your pre-existing medical condition or related conditions must not have resulted in any of the following:
1. New treatment (including new prescriptions),
2. Change in treatment including frequency, dosage or type (including prescriptions),
3. Signs or symptoms,
4. A new diagnosis,
5. Test results showing your condition is worsening,
6. Hospitalization,
7. A referral to a specialist, received or recommended, or
8. Waiting for any test results, further investigation, or surgery.

The following are considered stable:
1. Diabetic Insulin users - Routine insulin adjustment not prescribed by your physician, as long as insulin was not first prescribed during your stability period,
2. Coumadin, Warfarin users - Routine adjustment of these medications, as long as Coumadin or Warfarin were not first prescribed during your stability period,
3. A change from a brand name medication to a generic medication, or 
4. Minor Ailments - a sickness or injury that ended more than 30 days prior to your effective date and did not require:
     a) treatment (including prescriptions) for more than 30 consecutive days, or
     b) more than one follow-up with a physician.

You can apply for additional coverage after you have left on your trip, by contacting your insurance representative, if:
1. You purchase additional coverage before the expiry date of your existing coverage,
2. You have no reason to seek medical attention during the new Coverage Period, and
3. You have no reason to submit a claim during the new Coverage Period.
If you have incurred a claim, your file will be reviewed before deciding on granting an extension. Each policy or term of coverage is considered a separate contract. Allianz Global Assistance reserves the right to decline any request for new terms of coverage.

- Within 10 days of purchase: A full premium refund will be provided when you cancel your policy within 10 days of purchase, as long as you have not left on your trip and have not experienced an event that would cause you to submit a claim.
- More than 10 days after purchase:
  • You can request a partial premium refund if you did not depart on your trip and you have not submitted a claim for review under any benefit.
  • Partial refunds if you end your trip early for unused days are NOT available.

When submitting a request for a refund of your premium, please include:
1. A fully completed and signed Premium Refund Request Form,
2. A copy of your Confirmation of Coverage, and
3. Any other documentation to support your refund request.
The refund will be calculated based on the date the refund request is received by Allianz Global Assistance. Refund amounts less than $20 will not be issued.

In the event of a medical emergency, Allianz Travel Assistance must be notified within 24 hours of admission to hospital and before any surgery is performed. The Emergency Assistance Centre is available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week Toll-free Canada/USA: 1-800-995-1662 or Toll-free worldwide: 00-800-842-08420, or  416-340-0049 (collect).
Please note: If you do not notify Allianz Global Assistance prior to seeking treatment without reasonable cause, they will only pay 80% of the eligible medical expenses. You will be responsible for paying the remaining 20% of eligible expenses.

Allianz Global Assistance will attempt to arrange direct billing with the medical facility whenever possible. Some facilities require payment up front and you may have to pay for your treatment. Be sure to keep all your original, itemized receipts.
Claims should be reported within 30 days of occurrence. Written proof of loss should be submitted within 90 days of occurrence, and in no event later than one year after the date of occurrence.
The claims portal allows you to easily file a new claim, track the status of an existing claim or complete an existing claim.

Claim Portal:

What is included in Trip Cancellation & Interruption coverage?
Trip Cancellation and Interruption covers you financially for your pre-paid trip costs. 
Prior to departure: non-refundable, non-recoverable portion of pre-paid airfare and/or pre-paid travel arrangements.
After departure: the extra cost of economy transportation by the most direct route to continue with the insured trip (or to return to the point of departure) if you miss a portion of your trip due to your sickness or injury, or the sickness or injury of a travelling companion or accompanying family member.
Prior to or after departure: delay of the connection carrier provided that the connecting carrier or automobile was scheduled to arrive not less than two hours prior to the scheduled connection time, due to weather condition, volcanic eruptions, natural disaster or mechanical failure of the connecting carrier (airline, bus, train or government-operated ferry system); or traffic accident or emergency police road closure (police report required) causing the delay of a private or commercial automobile.
Insured risks: Health: sickness, injury or death of you, a family member or travelling companion; family outside your province cannot accommodate you during your trip because someone in their household has died, become sick or injured or developed a serious medical condition. Legal: if you are legally required to attend a legal proceeding during your trip (unless attendance is in the course of your occupation). External: change of airline schedule resulting to miss connection; your travel carrier cannot get you to your original destination for at least 24 consecutive hours from the originally scheduled arrival time due to: severe weather, a natural disaster, strike or government mandated shutdown or airline or train operations;; default of a Canadian travel supplier; your primary residence becomes uninhabitable; if there is a travel advisory (issued after the effective date of your policy) for your booked destination; You are required to sit for an exam that was rescheduled by an accredited university or college after the trip was booked. Work: you or a travelling companion is terminated or laid off by a current employer or secures a new permanent and paid employment that requires presence at work during the originally scheduled trip dates or permanently relocated by at least 150 km due to a transfer by your current employer; Other: you or your traveling companion serving as a first responder is called for duty due to an accident or emergency or serving in the armed forces is reassigned or have personal leave status changed. You or your travelling companion is medically unable to receive an immunization required for entry or are refused a tourist visa by the authorities of the destination.
Exclusions: If you are age 64 or younger on your effective date: Pre-existing medical conditions that are not stable for 90 days before the effective date qualify for coverage. If you are age 65 or older on your effective date: Pre-existing medical conditions that are stable for 150 days before the effective date qualify for coverage.

This policy does not provide coverage for any loss that results directly or indirectly from any of the following general exclusions if they affect you, a travelling companion, or a family member:
1. Pre-existing medical conditions that do not meet your stability period as stated in Pre-existing Medical Conditions section.
2. An unrepaired aneurysm 4 cm or greater, measured in either length or diameter, diagnosed at any time before the effective date.
3. Any heart condition if you used or were prescribed nitroglycerin in the 90 days before the effective date.
4. Any heart condition if you were diagnosed with, received treatment for, or had an episode of congestive heart failure in the two (2) years before the effective date.
5. Any kidney condition that required dialysis in the 90 days before the effective date.
6. Any lung/respiratory condition if you used or were prescribed home oxygen or oral steroids (inhalers are not considered oral steroids) for a lung/respiratory condition in the 90 days before the effective date.
7. Any cancer if you had any cancer treatment (other than for basal or squamous cell skin cancer or breast cancer treated only with hormone therapy) in the 90 days before the effective date.
8. Any bone marrow, stem cell, or organ transplant (excluding skin or cornea) received or recommended in the two (2) years before the effective date.
9. Dental procedures, except as otherwise described in the Dental benefit.
10. The following pregnancy related conditions:
           a) Routine pre-natal or post-natal care;
           b) Pregnancy, childbirth or related complications after the 31st week of pregnancy; or
           c) High-risk pregnancy. High-risk pregnancy means a pregnancy involving a medical condition that puts the mother, the developing fetus or both at a higher than normal risk of developing medical complications during or after the pregnancy and birth. These medical conditions include, but are not limited to, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, hypertension, Rh incompatibility, gestational diabetes, or placenta previa.
A child born during a trip is not an insured person under this policy.
11. Continued treatment or recurrence of a medical condition during your trip, if:
   a) The emergency is declared over by Allianz Global Assistance in conjunction with the treating or attending physician;
   b) You refuse to be transported to another medical facility or to Canada when you are declared safe and fit to travel by Allianz Global Assistance in conjunction with the opinion of the treating physician. As of the date you refuse to be transported, you will no longer have coverage for the medical condition that caused your claim; or
   c) You continued on your trip after being returned to Canada, as stated in the Return to Trip Destination benefit.
12. Any of the following treatment(s):
   a) Treatment not related to an emergency;
   b) Elective treatment; or
   c) Experimental treatment.
13. Your travel to a country, region or city with a published formal travel advisory issued by the Canadian government or responsible ministry or public authority, before your effective date, advising travellers to avoid all travel, or to avoid non-essential travel, and you have an emergency or medical condition related to the reason for the travel warning, your claim will not be paid. This includes written warnings to avoid non-essential travel, or to avoid all travel, on a travel carrier.
14. Any loss, condition, or event that was known, foreseeable, intended, or expected when your policy was purchased.
15. Your intentional self-harm or if you attempt or commit suicide.
16. Any medical condition arising during your trip resulting from, or in any way related to, the abuse of alcohol that results in a blood alcohol level of more than 80 milligrams in 100 millilitres of blood, drugs or other intoxicants. This does not apply to drugs prescribed to you by a physician and used by you as prescribed.
17. Acts committed with the intent to cause loss.
18. Participating in or training for any professional sporting competition.
19. Operating or working as a crew member (including as a trainee or learner/student) aboard any aircraft or commercial vehicle or commercial watercraft.
20. Participating in extreme, high-risk sports and activities in general and the following activities in particular:
   a) Skydiving, BASE jumping, hang gliding, or parachuting;
   b) Bungee jumping;
   c) Caving, rappelling, or spelunking;
   d) Skiing or snowboarding outside marked trails or in an area accessed by helicopter;
   e) Climbing sports or free climbing;
   f) Any high-altitude activity;
   g) Personal combat or fighting sports;
   h) Racing or practicing to race any motorized vehicle or watercraft;
   i) Free diving; or
   j) Scuba diving at a depth greater than 20 meters or without a dive master.
For high-risk sports and activities that are not expressly excluded to be covered, they must be:
          i. Arranged as part of your trip;
          ii. Provided by a company that is regulated or licensed where required; and
          iii. Not otherwise prohibited by law.
You must wear all recommended safety equipment while participating in your high-risk sports and activities and the sporting equipment must be used in the manner for which it was intended in order to be eligible for coverage.
21. An illegal act resulting in a conviction, except when you, a travelling companion, a family member, or your service animal is the victim of such act.
22. Natural disaster.
23. Air, water, or other pollution, or the threat of a pollutant release, including thermal, biological, and chemical pollution or contamination.
24. Nuclear reaction, radiation, or radioactive contamination.
25. War (declared or undeclared) or acts of war.
26. Military duty.
27. Political risk.
28. Cyber risk.
29. Civil disorder or unrest.
30. An act of negligence or gross negligence or any omission or failure, by you or a travelling companion, to exercise the standard of care expected of a reasonable person in similar circumstances.
31. Acts, travel alerts/bulletins, or prohibitions by any government or public authority.
32. Travel against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority.


Allianz Emergency Medical Policy PDF

IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.

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To be eligible for coverage you must, as of the date you apply for coverage and the effective date:

a) be at least 15 days old and no more than 89 years old; and

b) be insured for benefits under a Canadian government health insurance plan during the entire period of coverage; and

c) not have been diagnosed with a terminal illness; or

d) not have been diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 cancer; or have received treatment for any cancer (other than basal or squamous cell cancer or breast cancer treated only with hormone therapy) in the last 3 months; or

e) not require assistance with activities of daily living as the result of a medical condition or state of health.

If you are age 60 or over, in addition to the preceding requirements, you are NOT eligible for coverage if, as of the date you apply for coverage and the effective date, you:

a) have been prescribed or used home oxygen for a lung/respiratory condition during the previous 12 months; or

b) had your most recent heart surgery more than 12 years ago or less than 6 months ago; or

c) have a diagnosed unrepaired aneurysm of 4 centimetres or greater, measured in either length or diameter; or

d) have received or are awaiting a bone marrow or major organ transplant; or

e) have been diagnosed with or received treatment for a kidney disease requiring dialysis; or

f) have ever been diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder; or

g) have ever been diagnosed with congestive heart failure.

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