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Monday, October 21st, 2024

Expat Essential

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Administrated by: The Destination: Travel Group Inc.
Underwritten by:  Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (Canadian Branch)
24 hours Emergency Assistance Center: Zurich Travel Assist

Maximum Benefits: $1,000,000 CAD per injury or sickness
Ambulance Transportation: charges for necessary licensed ground ambulance transportation to the nearest hospital, or from one hospital to another.
Emergency Hospital: reasonable and customary costs per insured person per injury or sickness for room and board charges (up to semi-private room accommodation), including the costs relating to physicians, surgeons, diagnostic services, nursing, operating room, laboratory tests, prescription drugs, dressings, medical appliances such as crutches, casts, splints, canes, slings, trusses, braces, and the temporary rental of a wheelchair when prescribed by a physician or surgeon, and any other necessary costs charged by the hospital for in-patient hospital services, as well as costs incurred in an intensive care unit.
Nursing at Home: up 12 weeks to a maximum of $10,000 CAD for services of a licensed nurse (the nurse cannot be an immediate family member or currently be residing with the insured person).
Out-patient Services: up to $10,000 CAD per insured per injury or sickness for the following:
       • Physicians or surgeon's service.
       • Diagnostic Services such as but not limited to laboratory tests and x-ray services, radiographs and nuclear medicine procedures used to diagnose and treat medical conditions Note: MRI, CAT scans, sonograms, ultrasounds and biopsies must be pre-approved.*
       • Prescription drugs, medicines, serums and vaccines.
       • Medical Appliance: rental or purchase (whichever is less) of braces, crutches, wheelchair, hospital-type bed, iron lung, or other approved durable equipment for temporary  therapeutic use.
       • Blood or blood plasma (includes the administration of blood).
       • Charges for splints, trusses, casts and cast materials.
Professional Medical Services: the services of a chiropractor, physiotherapist, osteopath, podiatrist or acupuncturist up to a maximum of $500 CAD per profession, per injury or sickness.
Accidental Dental: up to $5,000 CAD per insured person, per injury for repair or replacement of whole or sound natural teeth damaged by an accidental blow to the face.
Repatriation or Local Burial: up to $10,000 CAD for the preparation and the transportation of the mortal remains to the country of permanent residence or back to Canada, or for local burial at the place of death. The cost of a casket, urn, headstones, flowers and reception expenses are excluded. This benefit is excluded where death occurs in Canada. 
Emergency Medical Evacuation: to evacuate an insured person who has a critical medical condition to the nearest hospital. It also includes the transportation cost for one other insured person accompanying the patient when necessary and pay the cost of a one way economy airfare back to the insured person’s country of permanent residence. This benefit is not applicable in the event of a complicated maternity.*
Compassionate Emergency Travel: the cost for a round-trip economy airfare to bring immediate family member to you and up to $150 CAD per day to maximum of $3,000 for meals and accommodation, if you have been hospitalized for at least 7 consecutive days OR to identify your remains in the event of death.
Parent Accompanying Child: the cost charged by a hospital for one parent to stay with an insured child under age of 15 years in case of hospitalization. Furthermore, if an insured person who is a single parent is hospitalized, the insurer will pay the costs for a dependent child under age 15 years to stay with the insured person.
Complicated Maternity: up to $5,000 CAD for the medical expenses for hospital, pre-natal care, childbirth and post-natal care when an insured person is hospitalized due to complication of pregnancy. This benefit is only payable when the expected date of birth is at least 10 months after the effective date of coverage. NOTE: This benefit does not carry over to the next policy period. It will be considered a "pre-existing condition" from the new policy effective date.
Emergency Coverage in the United States (Available to worldwide - excluding the USA plan): up to 14 days per trip for emergency treatment while traveling in the United States under the Worldwide - excluding the USA plan. This coverage will be automatically extended until discharge from a hospital if the insured person is admitted as an in-patient for emergency before the expiry of the 14 coverage.

NOTE: Policy is valid for up to 90 days when the insured person permanently returns to Canada and has been insured under this plan for over 52 consecutive weeks, or such earlier date after the insured person returns to Canada permanently and becomes eligible for coverage under any Canadian Government Health Insurance Plan (GHIP).

 * These benefits MUST be pre-approved by Zurich Travel Assist.

The expatriate health insurance plan is designed to cover injury or sickness while working or living outside Canada.
For the purpose of the insurance policy, insured person shall be considered as those who, on the policy effective date:
  a) are under age sixty-five (65), or
  b) be considered a dependent; and
  c) are Canadian citizens or hold a Canadian landed immigrant status; and
  d) have paid the required premium.
Newborn children shall be eligible to apply for insurance on the 15th day after discharge from the hospital where the birth took place.

Pre-existing medical conditions exclusion: Any condition (except for a minor ailment) for which the insured person has sought or received medical treatment, advice, follow-up visits, counseling, or has taken prescription drugs within one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to becoming insured under this policy. Such condition shall be covered when subsequently a continuous period of not less than three hundred and sixty-five (365) consecutive days has passed during which time the insured person has not sought or received medical treatment, advice, follow-up visits, counseling, nor has taken prescription drugs related to such condition.
Minor ailment means any condition which: 
     - does not require the use of medication for a period of greater than fifteen (15) days; and     
     - more than one follow-up visit to a registered practitioner, hospitalization, surgical intervention or referral to specialist, and       
     - which ends at least thirty (30) consecutive days prior to the effective date of coverage. 
However, a chronic condition or complications of a chronic condition are not considered a minor ailment.

If you choose to extend your trip beyond the policy expiry date shown on the application, you must contact us at 1-877-838-0020 or 647-724-0909 prior to the policy expiry date shown on the application form, as long as the total trip does not exceed fifty-two (52) consecutive weeks, and pay the required additional premium by credit card only.

The insurer will only consider requests for a refund if you did not leave on your trip or if you returned early from your trip and:     
   (a) no claim has been incurred or paid, or is pending; and
   (b) you send a written request with proof of your non-departure or early return before your coverage period ends.
No claim will be paid if you have received a refund of premium for unused days.
Refunds will be calculated on a weekly pro-rated basis from the premium paid and the date postmarked on your written request if mailed or emailed, or on the date such faxed request is received by The Destination: Travel Group Inc. and are subject to a $25.00 administrative fee and a minimum refund of $50.00.
Refunds are based on paid premium on the date the request is processed. Post-dated cheques that were not cashed will be destroyed.

In the event of a medical emergency, you must notify Zurich Travel Assist (toll free 1-888-726-1839 or worldwide collect 416-260-4553 ) prior to any surgery being performed or within 24 hours of admission to a hospital.
Failure to notify Zurich Travel Assist, without reasonable cause, it will result in the reduction of eligible benefits.
The insurer will pay benefits provided that:
1. The insured person has contacted Zurich Travel Assist and received pre-authorization for any costs to be incurred as an in-patient. In an emergency when Zurich Travel Assist cannot be contacted in advance, then the admission to the hospital must be reported as soon as possible and in any event not later than forty-eight (48) hours after admission.
2. Written details of all claims have been sent to Zurich Travel Assist as soon as possible and in any event not later than ninety (90) days from the beginning of the medical treatment.
3. All documentation relating to the claim including the claim form and accounts are originals and not copies.
4. The required premium has been paid relative to the insured person making the claim. 
Zurich Canada Travel Insurance
c/o Zurich Travel Assist
100 King Street West, Suite 5300, Toronto, ON M5X 1C9
For Online Claim Submission visit

This insurance does not cover losses or expenses caused directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by:
1. Any condition (except for a minor ailment) for which the insured person has sought or received medical treatment, advice, follow-up visits, counseling, or has taken prescription drugs within one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to becoming insured under this policy.
2. A medical condition shall be covered when subsequently a continuous period of not less than three hundred and sixty-five (365) consecutive days has passed during which time the insured person has not sought or received medical treatment, advice, follow-up visits, counseling, nor has taken prescription drugs related to such condition.
3. Air travel, other than as a passenger in a certified commercial aircraft providing passenger service which complies with government regulations concerning pilot licensing and current certificates of airworthiness.
4. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to any:   
   (i)      act of war; or   
   (ii)     kidnapping; or   
   (iii)    act of terrorism; or   
   (iv)    riot, strike or civil commotion; or   
   (v)     unlawful visit in any country; or   
   (vi)    participating in protests; or   
   (vii)    a commercial sexual transaction; or   
   (viii)   the commission or attempted commission of any criminal offence or illegal act; or   
   (ix)    the disobeying of any statutory law or regulation in the area where the loss occurred.
5. Suicide (including any attempt thereat) or self-inflicted injury whether or not you are sane.
6. A disorder, disease, condition or symptom that is emotional, psychological, or mental in nature unless you are hospitalized.
7. Pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth or termination of pregnancy or expenses relating thereto, except as provided under BENEFITS “Complicated Maternity”.
8. Emergency medical evacuation as a result of a complicated maternity.
9. An accident that occurs while you are participating in:
    • any sports as a professional athlete (person who engages in an activity as one’s main paid occupation),
    • any competition, speed event or other high-risk activity involving the use of a motor vehicle on land, water or air, including training activities, whether on approved tracks or elsewhere (an organized activity of a competitive nature in which speed is a determining factor in the outcome of the event),
    • scuba diving (unless you hold a basic SCUBA designation from a Canadian certified school),
    • mountaineering which involves the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment, including crampons, pickaxes, anchors, bolts, carabiners and lead or top-rope anchoring equipment,
    • a flight accident (unless you are travelling as a fare paying passenger on a commercial airline)
    • hang-gliding, paragliding,
    • skydiving, parachuting,
    • any form of BASE jumping (ie: wingsuit flying),
    • rock climbing,
    • bungee jumping.
10. Any medical condition, including symptoms of withdrawal, arising from, or in any way related to: 
   a) your chronic use of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants whether prior to or during your trip; or 
   b) any medical condition arising during your trip from, or in any way related to, the abuse of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants.
11. The purchase or replacement cost (prescribed or not), loss or damage to hearing devices, eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, or prosthetic teeth, limbs or devices and prescription resulting therefrom.
12. Routine medical examinations, preventative medicines (including vaccinations, the issue of medical certificates and attestations, and examinations as to suitability for employment, travel or for a third party).
13. Organ Transplants.
14. Elective and/or cosmetic surgery or treatment, whether or not for psychological reasons, including any expenses for directly or indirectly related complications unless required as the result of injury incurred while this policy is in force.
15. Medical treatment, surgery, investigation, palliative care, obtaining a diagnosis, or any alternative therapy, as well as any directly or indirectly-related complications, during a trip when the trip is undertaken for the purpose of securing or with the intent of receiving medical treatment or hospital services, whether or not such trip is taken on the advice of a physician or surgeon.
16. Any benefit or procedure that must be authorized or arranged in advance by the Assistance Centre when it has given no authorization or made no arrangements for that benefit or procedure.
17. Any costs incurred arising during any period for which the appropriate premium has not been paid or while the policy is not in force as to the insured person.
18. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any act of terrorism or any medical condition you suffer or contract when an official travel advisory was issued by the Canadian government stating “Avoid non-essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” regarding the country, region or city of your destination, before your policy effective date. To read the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Official Global Travel Advisory site. This exclusion does not apply to claims for an emergency or a medical condition unrelated to the travel advisory.
19. All charges, costs, expenses or claims incurred by the insured person, and directly or indirectly relating to, arising or resulting from, or in connection with any of the following acts, omissions, events, conditions, charges, consequences, claims, treatment, services or supplies are excluded from coverage  under this  policy, and no benefits or reimbursements shall be provided and we shall have no liability or obligation for any coverage for: any illness or injury incurred in the host country, affected area or home country, as a result of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, epidemic, pandemic, or other disease outbreak, which may affect an insured person’s health. 


Minimum premium of 12 weeks applies, and all partial weeks must be rounded up to the next full week.

Individual weekly premium rates available for eligible applicants for a maximum period of 52 weeks (one year) per policy.

AGE Expat Essential
Worldwide coverage
excluding United States
0-9 $21.71 per week
 10-18  $21.71 per week
 19-24 $31.69 per week
 25-29  $31.69 per week
 30-34 $39.81 per week
 35-39  $39.81 per week
 40-44  $51.77 per week
 45-49  $63.96 per week
 50-54  $79.73 per week
 55-59  $95.78 per week
 60-64  $123.82 per week
Benefits are not payable for costs incurred for any loss due to or resulting from:
a)Any medical condition you suffer or contract when an official travel advisory issued by the Government of Canada states,"Avoid all non-essential travel" regarding the country, region or city of your destination, prior to your policy effective date.To view the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel site.For claims due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), this exclusion does not apply. Exception: Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19)and related complications that you suffer or contract while you are on a cruise or any destination included in your cruiseitinerary is not covered if you have NOT received the vaccine.For claims not due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), this exclusion does not apply if your medical condition is unrelated to thetravel advisory.
b)Any medical condition you suffer or contract when an official travel advisory issued by Government of Canada states,"Avoid all travel" regarding the country, region or city of your destination, prior to your policy effective date. To view thetravel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel site.This exclusion does not apply to claims for any medical condition unrelated to the travel advisory.22. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from Sexually Transmitted Infections.


AGE Expat Essential
Worldwide coverage
including United States
0-9 $39.43 per week
 10-18  $39.43 per week
 19-24 $58.43 per week
 25-29  $58.43 per week
 30-34 $73.62 per week
 35-39  $73.62 per week
 40-44  $96.24 per week
 45-49  $119.22 per week
 50-54  $149.04 per week
 55-59  $179.47 per week
 60-64  $232.42 per week


Deductible Options
per policy period
$0 deductible no discount
$250 deductible 7%
$500 deductible 12%
$1,000 16%
$5,000 27%

Premium rates are subject to change without notice.

Destination Travel Group Inc. supports THiA Bill of Rights. For more information, go to

IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.


Destination: Expat Essential Plan POLICY PDF

Destination: Expat Essential Application Form - DocuSign (fillable)


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