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Monday, October 21st, 2024


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Administrated by: TuGo
Underwritten by: Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
24h Emergency Assistance Center: Claims at TuGo

IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.

Maximum limit - $2,000,000  
  - Hospital - semi-private accommodation.
  - Physician services.
  - Private duty nursing services up to $20,000.
  - Ambulance services - ground, air or sea ambulance or a taxi expenses (if ambulance is required, but not available).
  - X-ray examinations and diagnostic laboratory procedures.
  - Prescription drugs - 30 day supply. (Includes the cost of one 'morning-after pill' once per 12 months for 365-day policies).
  - Medical appliances - including but not limited to wheelchairs, crutches and canes. 
  - Professional medical services of physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist, osteopath, podiatrist, acupuncturist, naturopath and speech therapist up to a maximum limit of $600 per practitioner.
  - Emergency air transportation - the cost of stretcher or air evacuation to the nearest medical facility or for return to your country of permanent residence and the cost of a return airfare for a medical attendant, if necessary. *
  - Accidental dental, maximum $6,000 for the repair or replacement of whole or sound teeth. 
  - Emergency dental, maximum $600 for a pain relief, other than caused by an accident.
  - Wisdom Teeth - extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, up to $150 per tooth.
  - Repatriation in the event of your death - up to $35,000 for preparation and return of your body to Canada or up to $6,000 for burial or cremation at the place of death (excluding cost of a burial coffin or urn). Up to $5,000 for transportation costs of one family member to go to the place of your death to identify your body, and $400 per day up to $2,000 for meals and commercial accommodation.
  - Rehabilitation Treatment - up to $250 per day to a maximum of 7 days for emergency treatment in a rehabilitation facility when it is medically necessary after hospitalization.*
  - Annual Physician visit - up to $150 for one annual visit to a physician for a general check-up or one immigration medical examination in lieu.**
  - Eye Examination- one visit to optometrist or ophthalmologist.**
  - Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing - up to $100 for elective testing for sexually transmitted infections.**
  - Maternity Benefit - up to $25,000 for pre-natal care and complications if pregnancy commenced during period of coverage. The delivery/childbirth and post-natal care are EXCLUDED from the maternity benefit. If you extend your policy or purchase a new one, and there was no lapse in coverage, TuGo will continue to cover you for the same pregnancy under this benefit until you have reached the maximum limit of $25,000 under all policies combined, and the Pre-existing Medical Condition Stability Exclusion will not apply to pregnancy-related complications.
  - Psychiatric/ Psychological Benefit - up to $1,000 for out-patient care by Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Clinical counsellor, Psychotherapist, Nurse psychotherapist or Social worker, following an emergency. 
  - Family Transportation benefit of up to $5,000 for transportation of a family member and up to $400 per day (maximum $2,000) for meals and accommodation in the event of your hospitalization if an attending physician considers it necessary. *
  - Prescription Glasses/Contact Lenses/ Hearing Aids - up to $200 for prescription glasses, contact lenses and hearing aids required as a result of an accident. 
  - Tutorial Services - up to $20/hour to a maximum of $400 for the costs of a qualified private tutorial service in the event you are hospitalized for 30 consecutive days or more.
  - Follow-ups - five follow-up visits within the 14 days after the initial emergency treatment.
  - Fracture Treatment – up to $1,000 for the following treatments related to fractures following an emergency treatment.
  - Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance – up to $10,000.
  - Telemedicine in the US by 1.800MD - 24/7 access to a doctor from a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Optional Benefits:
 - Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance (24-Hour Accident) - $25,000.
 - Air Flight/Common Carrier Accident - Maximum limit $100,000.

* These benefits must be pre-approved and arranged by Claims at TuGo.
** This benefit is available once during a 12 consecutive month period, provided the minimum term of insurance purchased is 180 days.

Applicable to Canadian Students Studying Outside their Province or Territory of Residence
At the time of application, you are eligible for coverage if:
1. You are 40 years and under; and,
2. You are a Canadian resident; and,
3. You are a student enrolled full-time or part-time in a school outside your province/territory of residence; or,
4. You are a student enrolled full-time or part-time in a school in Canada but participating in an exchange program at a school outside of your province/territory of residence; and,
5. You are not travelling against a physician or other registered medical practitioner’s advice; and,
6. You have not been diagnosed with a terminal condition; and,
7 You are not receiving palliative care or palliative care has not been recommended.

Applicable to Family Members of Students
At the time of application, you are eligible for coverage if:
1. You are at least 15 days old; and,
2. You are 40 years and under; and,
3. You are Canadian resident; and,
4. You are a family member of a student who is either insured under a TuGo Student Policy for Canadian students or meets the eligibility requirements for a TuGo Student Policy; and,
5. You are not travelling against a physician or other registered medical practitioner’s advice; and,
6. You have not been diagnosed with a terminal condition; and,
7 You are not receiving palliative care or palliative care has not been recommended.
Coverage is available for school breaks as long as the student is enrolled as a full-time or part-time student in a school.

Canadian resident is an insured who is eligible for or has a provincial or territorial government health care plan in place and:
a) Is a Canadian citizen with a primary permanent residence in Canada; or,
b) Has landed immigrant status in Canada and a primary permanent residence in Canada.
NOTE: Any medical and related expenses in excess of $50,000, if you are not covered by a provincial or territorial government health care plan at the time your claim occurred.

PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: the company will not be liable to provide coverage, services, or to pay claims for expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of any:
   1. Medical condition which is not stable on or within the 90 days before the effective date of the Policy.
   2. Any complications that develop after departure, related to a pre-existing medical condition that was not stable on or within the 90 days before the effective date of the Policy.
Medical conditions and related complications that do not meet the stability requirements set out above are not covered.

Stable: A medical condition is considered stable when all of the following statements are true:
a) There has been no deterioration of the medical condition as determined by a physician or other registered medical practitioner, and
b) There have been no new symptoms or findings or more frequent or severe symptoms or findings, and
c) There has been no change in treatment by a physician or other registered medical practitioner or any alteration* in any medication related to the medical condition, and
d) There has been no new treatment received, prescribed or recommended by a physician or other registered medical practitioner.
*Alteration - The medication usage, dosage or type has been increased, decreased or stopped and/or a new medication has been prescribed.
Alteration does not include:
a) Changes in brand to an equivalent name brand or to an equivalent generic brand of the same or equivalent usage or dosage; or,
b) Routine dosage adjustments within prescribed parameters for insulin or oral diabetes medication to ensure correct blood levels are maintained; blood sugar levels must be checked regularly and the medical condition must remain unchanged; or,
c) Routine dosage adjustments within prescribed parameters for blood thinner medication to ensure correct blood levels are maintained; blood levels must be checked regularly and the medical condition must remain unchanged; or,
d) A temporary stoppage of blood thinner medication up to a maximum of 24 hours if the stoppage is required for a surgery or a procedure; or,
e) Usage changes due to the combination of several medications into one; the medical condition must remain unchanged.

You can extend your period of coverage before your Policy expires provided the total policy trip length does not exceed a maximum of 365 days. To extend your Policy, you can contact us during business hours.
If you extend your coverage, the following condition applies:
If you had a claim, sought medical attention or experienced any symptoms during the previous policy term, for the extension period, there will be no further coverage with respect to the medical condition, related medical condition, or for any subsequent treatment related to the medical condition, except as specified under the Maternity benefit.
Under the Maternity benefit, we will continue to provide coverage during an extension for the same pregnancy up to the maximum limit of $25,000 under all policies combined, provided there has not been a lapse in coverage. Refer to the Maternity benefit for details.

Refunds after the effective date of the Policy must be requested in writing. Refunds are not available if a claim has been or will be submitted.
Full Refunds
1. When the request for refund is received BEFORE the effective date of the Policy, a full refund is available.
2. When the request for refund is received AFTER the effective date of the Policy, a full refund is available as follows:
a) In the 10 days from the application date of the Policy when no travel has taken place; or,
b) If you have not arrived in your province/territory or country of study, provided you were travelling directly to your province/territory or country of study (direct travel includes stopovers and layovers); or,
c) If your student visa for entry to your country of study was refused; or,
d) If you arrived in your country of study but entry into your country of study was denied.
Refund requests must be submitted to us within the 90 days after the expiry date of the Policy. 

Partial Refunds
1. When travel has taken place, a partial refund less an administration fee is available.
Refunds are calculated as follows:
a) From the date the cancellation request is submitted to us; or,
b) From the date you return to your province/territory of residence if a satisfactory proof of return is sent to us and the request is received by us within the 90 days after the date you return to your province/territory of residence; or,
c) From the date you are no longer enrolled in a school or attending school in an exchange program outside your province/territory of residence if satisfactory proof that you are no longer enrolled in the school is sent to us and the request is received by us within the 90 days after your enrollment ended.

In the event of a medical emergency, call Claims at TuGo immediately:
To make a claim, simply contact Claims at TuGo 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
- From U.S.A. & Canada, call toll-free: 1-800-663-0399
- From Mexico, call toll-free: 001-800-514-9976
- Worldwide, call collect: 1-604-278-4108

Notice: All required documentation must be received within one year from the date of loss. Failure to do so will result in the denial of the claim.
Any notices of claim or correspondence concerning a claim should be promptly sent to:
Claims at TuGo
1200-6081 No. 3 Road
Richmond, BC, V6Y 2B2
For Online Claim Submission visit

In addition to the Pre-existing Medical Condition Stability exclusion, we will not be liable to provide coverage or services, or to pay claims for expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
1. Any claim incurred after a physician advised you not to travel.
2. Any claim incurred after any other registered medical practitioner advised you not to travel.
3. A trip that is undertaken after the diagnosis of a terminal condition.
4. A trip that is undertaken while you are receiving palliative care or after palliative care has been recommended.
5. Medical conditions or any related medical conditions for which, before the effective date of the Policy, diagnostic tests took place, were scheduled to take place or were recommended and for which results had not yet been received on or before the effective date of the Policy. This includes diagnostic tests that were scheduled or were recommended on or before the effective date of the Policy, but had not yet taken place on or before the effective date of the Policy.
This exclusion does not apply to:
a) Tests to monitor an existing medical condition if there have been no new or more frequent symptoms, whether or not results have been received; or,
b) Screening tests intended to prevent illness or to detect medical conditions before symptoms are noticed, whether or not results have been received.
6. The cost of any mandated test required for travel.
7. Medical conditions or any related medical conditions for which, on or before the effective date of the Policy, tests to follow up on the effectiveness or response to a procedure, surgery or hospitalization are scheduled to take place or recommended. This includes tests that were scheduled or recommended on or before the effective date of the Policy, but had not yet taken place on or before the effective date of the Policy.
8. Medical conditions or any related medical conditions for which before the effective date of the Policy, medical procedures, surgeries and/or referrals to a specialist were scheduled to take place or were recommended but had not yet taken place at the time of the effective date of the Policy.
9. Any medical condition, related medical condition or any subsequent treatment related to a medical condition for which you sought treatment and/or were experiencing any symptoms that were new or worsening after your departure from your province/territory of residence but before the effective date of this Policy, except as specified under the Maternity benefit and under the heading Period of Coverage, sub-heading Top-up.
10. Acute psychosis if drug or alcohol induced.
11. Any cancer (other than basal cell or squamous cell skin cancer and/or cancer that is in remission) for which you received or were recommended to receive active cancer treatment on or within the 90 days before the effective date of the Policy. This includes active cancer treatment that you were recommended to receive but chose to decline.
12. Tests and investigation except when performed at the time of initial emergency medical condition.
13. The continued treatment, recurrence or complication of a medical condition or related condition, following emergency treatment during your trip, if we determine that your emergency has ended, unless otherwise specified in a benefit.
a) Any medical condition, including symptoms of withdrawal, arising from, or in any way related to, your chronic use of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants whether prior to or during your trip.
b) Any medical condition arising during your trip from, or in any way related to, the misuse or abuse of drugs or other intoxicants, or to the use or abuse of alcohol when you have reached a blood alcohol level of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood or when records indicate you were intoxicated and no blood alcohol level is specified.
15. Consumption or use of illegal or controlled drugs (based on the law where the cause of the claim occurred).
16. Any medical condition for which you are registered on a waiting list for treatment or diagnosis either in Canada or in your country of study.
17. Expenses incurred for emergency air transportation and any expenses incurred after emergency air transportation, when the emergency air transportation was not arranged by us.
18. Any medical condition or related expenses if we determine that you should transfer to another facility or could return to your province/territory of residence for treatment, and you choose not to, benefits will not be paid for further treatment related to the medical condition.
19. An official travel advisory issued by a Canadian government stating to “avoid all travel” or “avoid non-essential travel” regarding the country, region or city of your destination, before the date you travel to that destination (including any stopovers, layovers or any other destinations you are transiting through).
If an official travel advisory is issued while you are travelling outside of Canada for the country, region or city of your destination after you have already arrived to that country, region or city, your coverage for an emergency or a medical condition related to the travel advisory will remain in place.
To view the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel site.
This exclusion does not apply to claims for an emergency or a medical condition unrelated to the travel advisory or to claims incurred for COVID-19.
20. A medical condition for which symptoms arose or worsened or for which treatment by a physician or other registered medical practitioner was received during a temporary visit to your province/territory of residence during the period of coverage or any medical condition wholly or partly, directly or indirectly, related thereto. This exclusion does not apply if the treatment was for either:
a) The unchanged use of prescribed drugs or medication for a stable medical condition, symptom or problem; or,
b) A check-up where the physician or other registered medical practitioner observes no change in a previously noted medical condition, symptom or problem.
21. Treatment by a physician or other registered medical practitioner and expenses incurred while in your province/territory of residence.
22. Loss, theft, breakage of prescription glasses, contact lenses, prosthetic devices, hearing aids and dentures, except as specified under the Prescription Glasses/Contact Lenses/Hearing Aids benefit.
23. Any medical and related expenses in excess of $50,000, if you are not covered by a provincial or territorial government health care plan at the time your claim occurred.
24. Your participation in and/or voluntary exposure to acts of war or acts of terrorism.
25. Death, disablement or injury in any way caused by or contributed by radioactive contamination or by the utilization of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons (whether or not caused by acts of war or acts of terrorism).
26. Any medical condition that is the result of you not following treatment as prescribed to you, including prescribed or over the counter medication.
27. Your participating, training or practicing in any sports or activities as a professional athlete, or in any of the following sports or activities (whether as a professional athlete or not):
• Hang gliding/paragliding
• High risk motorized  speed activities
• Ice climbing
• Mountaineering
• Parachuting/skydiving/ tandem skydiving
• Rock climbing
• Scuba diving or free diving over 40 metres
28. Your participating in, training, or practicing for any of the following sports or activities:
• Barrel racing
• Bronc riding
• Bull riding
• Chariot racing
• Chuck wagon racing
• Harness racing
• Rodeo bareback racing
• Rodeo clowning
• Rodeo team roping
• Steer wrestling/chute dogging
• Trick riding
29. Any medical condition or recognized complication of a medical condition, where the purpose of your trip is to seek treatment, advice or services, and where the medical evidence indicates the treatment, advice or services received are related to that medical condition.
a) Routine pre-natal or post-natal care, except as specified under the Maternity benefit; or,
b) Pregnancy, delivery, or complications of either, arising within the nine weeks before the expected date of delivery or within the nine weeks after except as specified under the Maternity benefit.
31. Your voluntary termination of pregnancy or resulting complications.
32. Your suicide or attempt thereat or self-inflicted injury.
33. Your commission or attempted commission of a criminal offence or illegal act based on the law where the cause of the claim occurred.
34. Non-emergency, experimental or elective treatment or procedures (including but not limited to ongoing care, chronic care, rehabilitation or check-ups) and their related complications, except as specified under the Rehabilitation Treatment benefit and the Other Professional Services benefit.
a) Cosmetic surgeries, procedures and/or treatments, and,
b) Complications related to cosmetic surgeries.
36. Any medical condition or symptoms for which it is reasonable to believe or expect that treatments will be required during your trip.
37. Unless otherwise stated in this Policy (see General Condition, number 3), expenses incurred if other insurance policies, plans or contracts cover the loss. This includes but is not limited to any private or automobile insurance plan. If, however, the loss exceeds the limits of the other policies, plans or contracts and if this Insurance covers losses and periods not covered by those other policies, plans or contracts, this Insurance shall then apply in excess of all other valid insurance. This exclusion does not apply to Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance.

This Insurance provides no coverage and no insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such coverage, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that insurer to any sanctions, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America.


Medical and Hospital


1-366 days

(40 and under)

$3.13 per day
($1,142.45 per year)

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (optional)

$20.00 per policy per person

- Minimum 10 days, Maximum - 365 days (or 366 days for leap years).

- Dependent children - Unmarried children who are dependent on a parent or guardian who is a student eligible under this Policy and are up to and including 21 years or, up to and including 40 years, if they have a cognitive, developmental or physical disability.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.


TuGo International Student POLICY PDF

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TuGo is a trademark used by North American Air Travel Insurance Agents Ltd. dba TuGo and its related companies under license. 


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